how many of each species of animal did moses

Ask children who are even vaguely familiar with the biblical account of the Flood how numerous animals of each kind Noah took into the ark, and you promising will hear, "Two!" Most Bible students are familiar with the instructions recorded in Genesis 6:19 that God gave to Noah: "And of all support thing of all flesh you shall bring two of all kind into the Ark of the Covenant, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female" (Generation 6:19, emp. added; cystic fibrosis. 7:15). It seems that fewer hoi polloi, even so, are aware that God as wel instructed Noah, locution, "You shall take with you seven each of every decent sloth-like, a manful and his female; two each of animals that are raunchy, a male and his female; also septenar each of birds of the air, male and female, to hold open the species alive on the facial expressio of all the earth" (Genesis 7:2-3, emp. added). According to Bible critics, these verses are contradictory. "Are clean beasts to enter by 2's or by 7's?" asked skeptic Dennis McKinsey (1983, p. 1).

To answer McKinsey's wonder, the clean beasts and birds entered the ark "by sevens" (KJV), while the unclean animals went into the ark by twos. In that respect is no contradiction here. Genesis 6:19 indicates that Noah was to take "two of all sort into the ark." Then, four verses subsequently, God supplemented this original instruction, making known Noah in a more detailed manner to take Thomas More of the clean animals. If a farmer told his Son to take two of every kind of farm out tuna-like to the state fair, and then instructed his son to take several extra chickens and two unneeded pigs for a barbecue, would anyone accuse the granger of contradicting himself? Certainly not. Information technology was required for Noah to take additional washed animals because, upon his departure from the ark after the Flood, helium "built an altar to the Lord, and took of all plumb animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the falsify" (Genesis 8:20). If Noah had taken only 2 clean animals from which to choose when sacrificing to God after departing the ark, then he would have compulsive the various kinds of clean beasts and birds into extinction past sacrificing one of to each one duo. Frankincense, after Immortal told Noah to take ii of every kind of animal into the ark, He then instructed him to take extras of the clean animals. Similar to how Genesis chapter 2 supplements the first chapter of Genesis by giving a more detailed account of the Creation (regard Lyons, 2002), the first portion of Generation 7 merely supplements the end of the preceding chapter, "containing several particulars of a moment description which were not embraced in the general directions initiatory given to Noah" (Jamieson, et atomic number 13., 1997).

One translation difficultness that should not trouble a person's faith, simply one of which a person might neediness to glucinium aware, revolves around the actual number of clean animals taken into the Ark of the Covenant. Through the old age, serious Bible students have wondered whether this number was seven, or fourteen (Book of Genesis 7:2). The Hebrew phrase shibb'ah shibb'ah is translated somewhat mistily in both the King King James I and American Standard Versions. [According to the King Henry James Version, clean animals were taken into the Ark "by sevens" (Genesis 7:2). The American Standard Version says that the spic animals were taken "7 and cardinal."] Newer translations are worded more understandably, simply there is common disagreement among them. The New James I and New International Versions both agree that Noah took seven of each clean animal into the Ark, whereas the Revised Standard Version, the New English Bible, and the English Standard Version all translate shibb'ah shibb'ah to mean "septenar pairs" of cosher animals. Although some believe "there can be no certainty on this point" (Willis, 1979, p. 171), H.C. Leupold argued that the Israelite phrase shibb'ah shibb'ah "would be a most fumbling method of trying to aver 'fourteen' (1990, 1:290). Comparing connatural language within Genesis 7, Whitcomb and Morris persuasively argued: "The Hebrew phrase 'seven and seven' no more agency fourteen than does the parallel phrase 'deuce and deuce' (Gen. 7:9,15) mean four!" (1961, p. 65).

Though it may be that none concrete conclusion crapper be drawn regarding exactly how many a unblemished animals entered Noah's ark (whether seven or fourteen), we give the axe be certain that no contradiction has been demonstrated. Noah took different numbers of clean and unclean animals on the Ark of the Covenant, even as the text of Genesis indicates.


Jamieson, Robert, et al.. (1997), Jamieson, Fausset, Brownish Bible Commentary (Electronic Database: Biblesoft).

Leupold, H.C. (1990 reprint), Exposition of Genesis (Princely Rapids, International nautical mile: Baker).

Second Council of Lyons, Eric (2002), "Did God Create Animals or Man Premier,"

McKinsey, Dennis (1983), "Commentary," Biblical Errancy, p. 1, December.

Whitcomb, John Lackland C. and Henry M. Esther Hobart McQuigg Slack Morris (1961 reprint), The Genesis Flood (Grand Rapids, MI: Bread maker).

Willis, John T. (1979), "Genesis," The Living Parole Commentary (Austin, TX: Dessert).


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how many of each species of animal did moses


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